Thursday, August 23, 2012


The moon, stars, sun, earth and all the galaxies thereof
move~ yet not without me.
It's  by grace I rise and sup with thee.
Sage~  #Quote #micropoetry #love


The sun moon and stars touching deep corners of my mind~
Intricacies of a universe conversing with the Gods~
As I wake~
Sage~ #Quote #micropoetry


As rain falls blessing us with nourishment~
So I eat of the honeycomb,
as perfection to mine soul
 and wisdom cometh to flourish~
Sage~ #Quote #micropoetry


Pouring conscious vibrations out on my peoples ear
lifting spirits on high daring to fly~
I dream of freedom from hatred prides ~
Sage~  #Quote #micropoetry #freedom #hate #pride

To Savor

Eat knowledge as if it were an honeycomb
Savor it becoming fat on the wisdom thereof~
Meditate keeping close all you acquire.~
Sage~ #Quote


Holding fast the bud,the stem squeezes ~
Forcing the beauty thereof to come forth~
Alas there is freedom to blossom, joy is born
#mictopoetry~  #joy ~ #Love~ #Freedom~ #bondage~

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Love grips her like a vine
Choking the coldness from her veins
Forcing warmth to find its way inside
Now undone  beauty becomes her ~
# microPoetry


moon swells leaking tears of joy
As the stars dance making melody before the sun
Galaxies light, arrayed in colors to give delight ~

Auburn Hair

Basking in the golden sun
Auburn hair gently falls across her face,
Hiding her green  eyes , kneeling she looks up
Accepts her blessing ~

The Sparrow~

The sparrow comes without fail
the sun shines even in the darkest hour,
Peace I find in the crevices of my mind to dwell